Through social media, consumers can interact with Key Opinion Leader (KOL), publish User-Generated Content (UGC), and view products recommended by their network.
Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) on social media can influence a consumer’s purchasing decision process, the network community is an essential means of improving the learners’ cognitive level, and the learners’ implicit knowledge plays an essential role in this cognitive process.
Understanding these social media attributes and their influence on
consumers can help marketers better comprehend social media’s influence on consumer behavior and adapt their strategies to attract consumers. The following Figure demonstrates Social Influences on Social Media and Its Influence on Consumer Behaviors.

To know more details, please visit my following research publication-
Hasan, Rajibul; Teng, Yulin; Shams, Riad (2021) ‘The Impact of Social Media on Business Model Innovation’ In: Business Model Innovation. United Kingdom: Routledge. [DOI][Details]